Review Details

H.Upmann Magnum 50 SLB - 25 cigars

H.Upmann Magnum 50 SLB - 25 cigars

Product Review (submitted on September 1, 2011):
This highly rated Habano gives testimony to the supremacy of Cuban cigars and their worldwide perception of superiority. This cigar also lends grandeur to the H. Upmann marque.

This unique line from Cuba is led by the H. Upmann Sir Winston (which may be the best cigar in the world), but is followed closely on its heels by the Magnum 50, overshadowed only by size.

Like all H. Upmanns, the taste is mild to medium, with a flavor profile that ranges from softly sophisticated to assertively vibrant. And that, my friends, is what makes all cigar smoking so wonderful, but what also carves out the known reputation for quality Habanos.

That is the intrinsic difference between a non-Cuban and a Cuban! The amplification of flavors which are more abundant and far more prevalent in Cuban cigars. With taste characteristics that can only be derived from these cigars and no others.

You simply CANNOT smoke a cigar from anywhere else in the world that tastes as good, or be as enjoyable as this cigar. Period.

If you have ever wanted to have THE BEST EXPERIENCE in smoking a cigar, and at a reasonable price, then do this cigar and I promise you won't be disappointed. (Oh Lord! Do I love this cigar!)

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