

Established at the end of the 19th century, Belinda has a history of rolling full flavored Cuban cigars, however the brand disappeared in the 1960s. Revived in the late 1980s, it was destined at the Eastern European market and since 2005, Belinda only manufactures the Corona, which is a machine-made cigar using short-filler. Their most famous cigar is the Belinda Coronas.

En sentido ascendente
  1. Belinda Coronas Tubos - 20 cigars

    Belinda Coronas Tubos - 20 cigars

    59,00 $

    Sin existencias

    The Belinda Coronas is an affordable and tasty Cuban Long Corona, 5.9” (150mm) long, of 41 ring gauge, and comes in plastic tubes in a 20 cigars box. Más información
  2. Belinda Coronas Tubos

    Belinda Coronas Tubos - 15 cigars (packs of 3)

    49,00 $

    Sin existencias

    The Belinda Coronas is an affordable and tasty Cuban Long Corona, 5.9” (150mm) long, of 41 ring gauge, and comes in plastic tubes in 5 cardboard packs of 3 cigars Más información
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