Non-Cuban Cigars
Cigar Terminal offers a wide range of international cigars from Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and more. Cigar Terminal offers guaranteed worldwide shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Rocky Patel The Edge Torpedo, Maduro - 5 cigars
79,00 $The Rocky Patel Edge Torpedo cigar is an unrivaled full-bodied experience which fills the acclimatized palate with spicy elements accenting it's potent full flavor. Más información -
Rocky Patel The Edge Missile, Maduro - 5 cigars
59,00 $This unrivaled full-bodied experience fills the acclimatized palate with spicy constituents accenting it's potent full flavor. It will leave the seasoned smoker weak in the knees without a harsh finish. Más información -
Rocky Patel The Edge Missile, Corojo - 5 cigars
69,00 $The Rocky Patel Edge Missile Corojo cigar is an unrivaled full-bodied experience which fills the acclimatized palate with spicy constituents accenting it's potent full flavor. Más información -
Rocky Patel Decade Torpedo - 5 cigars
89,00 $The Rocky Patel Decade is a full-bodied premium cigar with a soft box press with an Ecuadoran wrapper and binder and filler from Nicaragua. Decade cigars are handmade in Danli Honduras at the El Paraiso Cigar Factory. Más información -
Oliva Serie V Melanio Torpedo - 5 cigars
99,00 $The Oliva Serie V Melanio Torpedo is a Full bodied Torpedo, handmade by Oliva in Nicaragua with a Ecuadorian Sumatra-Seed wrapper, a Nicaragua binder and a Jalapa Nicaragua filler and it comes in a Box of 5 cigars. Más información