Non-Cuban Cigars
Cigar Terminal offers a wide range of international cigars from Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and more. Cigar Terminal offers guaranteed worldwide shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Padron 4000, Maduro - 26 cigars
229,00 $Sin existencias
Handmade Padron 4000 Maduro cigars are comprised totally from sun-grown tobaccos that are aged for a minimum of 2 1/2 years. The are among the finest and most complex cigars with the flavor of Cuban heritage out of which the Padron recipe was born. Más información -
Padron 4000, Natural - 26 cigars
229,00 $Sin existencias
Padron 4000 cigars are among the finest, handmade, complex cigars with the flavor of Cuban heritage out of which the Padron recipe was born. Más información -
Padron 7000, Natural - 26 cigars
359,00 $Sin existencias
The Padron 7000 is a medium to full bodied flavor bomb. Well balanced and just brimming with complexity and notes of cocoa bean and coffee. Más información -
Padron Family Reserve 45 Years Maduro - 10 cigars
389,00 $Sin existencias
The Padron Family Reserve 45 Years Maduro is a Full bodied Toro, handmade by Jorge Padron in Nicaragua with a Nicaragua wrapper, a Nicaragua binder and a Nicaragua filler and it comes in a Box of 10 cigars. Más información -
Paradiso Supremo Toro - 22 cigars
179,00 $Sin existencias
The Paradiso Supremo Toro is a Full bodied Toro, handmade in Nicaragua by Jose 'Pepin' Garcia and it comes in a Box of 22 cigars. Más información -
Perdomo 20th Anniversary Maduro Epicure - 24 cigars
249,00 $Sin existencias
Rated a 94 by Cigar Journal, and designated as one fo the top 4 cigars of the year, the Perdomo 20th Anniversary Epicure Maduro cigar is a semi box-pressed Nicaraguan puro that delivers a thick creamy full-bodied smoke and plenty of flavor. Más información -
Perdomo 20th Anniversary Sun-Grown Epicure - 24 cigars
249,00 $Sin existencias
The Perdomo 20th Anniversary Epicure Sun-Grown cigar is a semi box-pressed Nicaraguan puro presented in elegant Spanish cedar boxes. The Sun-Grown wrappers have been aged a minimum of 6 years, and are then aged an additional 14 months in bourbon oak barels. Más información -
Perdomo Estate Seleccion Vintage 2002 Natural Epicure - 20 cigars
169,00 $Sin existencias
This is the highly anticipated sequel to the popular Perdomo ESV Vintage 1991, which was lauded as one of Perdomo's best ever cigars. Perdomo Estate Seleccion Vintage 2002 Epicure, Natural cigar is a super smooth Nicaraguan premium. Más información -
Perdomo Fresco Connecticut Shade Toro - 25 cigars
109,00 $Sin existencias
Creamy, smooth and well-balanced, Perdomo Fresco Toro cigars are among our most popular Nicaraguan bundled cigars. Its wrapper lends a rich, silky smooth quality. A medium-bodied cigar packaged in cigar bundles of 25 cigars. Más información -
Perdomo Grand Cru Connecticut Grand Epicure - 24 cigars
189,00 $Sin existencias
A classic Cuban-seed blend, Perdomo Grand Cru Epicure cigars (Connecticut wrapper) pay homage to the time honored traditions we take in manufacturing our cigars from start to finish. Más información -
Perdomo Grand Cru Connecticut Grand Palma - 24 cigars
189,00 $Sin existencias
A classic Cuban-seed blend, Perdomo Grand Cru Palma cigars (Connecticut wrapper) pay homage to the time honored traditions we take in manufacturing our cigars from start to finish. Más información -
Perdomo Grand Cru Connecticut Grand Toro - 24 cigars
179,00 $Sin existencias
A classic Cuban-seed blend, Perdomo Grand Cru Toro cigars (Connecticut wrapper) pay homage to the time honored traditions we take in manufacturing our cigars from start to finish. Más información -
Perdomo Habano Corojo Toro - 20 cigars
159,00 $Sin existencias
The Perdomo Habano Toro cigar is blended with a beautiful Cuban seed Corojo leaf that is thick and leathery delivering a complex bold assortment of deep flavors of earth, nuts, and spice notes. Más información -
Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Champagne Magnum 50 - 12 cigars
149,00 $Sin existencias
The Perdomo Reserve Champagne Magnum 50 cigar features an intricate blend of deeply aged Nicaraguan Cuban-seed tobaccos subtly accentuated with a golden Connecticut shade wrapper aged over 6 years. Más información -
Perdomo Reserve Champagne Noir Epicure - 25 cigars
189,00 $Sin existencias
The Perdomo Reserve Maduro cigar features a rich appearance and complex, rich flavor with a triple fermented Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper. Más información -
Perdomo Seleccion Sampler - 12 cigars
109,00 $Sin existencias
The Perdomo Habano line was inspired by Nick Perdomo Jr.'s dream of one day making cigars in Cuba. The result is a supreme blend using Cuban seed tobaccos grown in the Esteli, Condega, and Jalapa regions of Nicaragua which come together to produce a full-bodied Cuban style cigar. Más información -
Pinar Del Rio Flores y Rodriguez Genios Claro - 24 cigars
109,00 $Sin existencias
The Pinar Del Rio Flores y Rodriguez Genios Claro is a Medium bodied Toro, handmade in Dominican Republic by Abe Flores and it comes in a Box of 24 cigars. Más información -
Plasencia Alma del Fuego Concepción - 10 cigars
119,00 $Sin existencias
The Plasencia Alma del Fuego Concepción is a Medium-Full bodied Toro, handmade in Nicaragua by Plasencia and it comes in a Box of 10 cigars. Más información -
Plasencia Alma Fuerte Nestor IV - 10 cigars
169,00 $Sin existencias
The Plasencia Alma Fuerte Nestor IV is a Medium-Full bodied Toro, handmade in Nicaragua by Plasencia and it comes in a Box of 10 cigars. Más información -
Plasencia Alma Fuerte Sixto II - 10 cigars
169,00 $Sin existencias
The Plasencia Alma Fuerte Sixto II is a Medium-Full bodied Toro, handmade in Nicaragua by Plasencia and it comes in a Box of 10 cigars. Más información