Non-Cuban Cigars
Cigar Terminal offers a wide range of international cigars from Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and more. Cigar Terminal offers guaranteed worldwide shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Nub 460 Sungrown by Oliva - 24 cigars
179,00 $The Nub 460 Sungrown is a short hand rolled cigar from Nicaragua, 4” by 60. It rich and smooth profile makes it a great cigar when short on time. Más información -
Nub 460 Cameroon by Oliva - 24 cigars
159,00 $The Nub 460 Cameroon is a short but elegant 4” by 60. Medium bodied but full flavored, it' a must try if you are looking for smooth but complex cigar. Más información -
Gurkha Ghost Spook - 21 cigars
169,00 $The Gurkha Ghost Spook is a Medium bodied Gordo, handmade by Kaizad Hansotia in Dominican Republic with a Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper, a Criollo '98 binder and a Dominican & Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a pack of 21 cigars. Más información -
Plasencia Alma del Campo Madrono - 10 cigars
169,00 $Sin existencias
The Plasencia Alma del Campo Madrono is a high-end medium 6.5” by 58 from Nicaragua. Rolled to perfection with aged Cuban seed tobacco: a must try. AGED CIGAR ALERT: This is a vintage cigar with limited availability. Más información -
Nub 460 Connecticut by Oliva - 24 cigars
179,00 $Sin existencias
The Nub 460 Connecticut is pretty little smoke handrolled by Oliva. At 4” by 60 with a creamy profile, it will please both experts and beginners. Más información -
Joya de Nicaragua Sin Compromiso El Amsterdammer - 13 cigars
159,00 $Sin existencias
The Joya de Nicaragua Sin Compromiso El Amsterdammer is a Medium bodied Gordo, handmade in Nicaragua by Steve Saka and it comes in a Box of 13 cigars. Más información