Non-Cuban Cigars
Oliva Serie V Double Robusto - 24 cigars
199,00 $The Oliva Serie V Double Robusto is a Medium-Full bodied Double Robusto, handmade by Oliva in Nicaragua with a Sungrown Colorado Maduro wrapper, a Nicaragua binder and a Nicaragua filler and it comes in a of Box-24 cigars. Más información -
Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra - 24 cigars
219,00 $The Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra is a Medium-Full bodied Churchill, handmade by Oliva in Nicaragua with a Sungrown Colorado Maduro wrapper, a Nicaragua binder and a Nicaragua filler and it comes in a Box of 24 cigars. Más información -
My Father The Judge 652 - 23 cigars
339,00 $The My Father The Judge 652 is a Medium-Full bodied Toro, handmade by the Garcia family in Nicaragua with a Ecuador Sumatra wrapper and binder and filler from Nicaragua and it comes in a Box of 23 cigars. Más información -
Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Torpedo - 25 cigars
199,00 $The Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Torpedo is a Medium-Full bodied Torpedo, handmade in Nicaragua by Drew Estate and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. Más información -
Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Churchill - 25 cigars
209,00 $The Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Churchill is a Medium-Full bodied Churchill, handmade in Nicaragua by Drew Estate and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. Más información -
Gurkha Ghost Exorcist - 21 cigars
199,00 $The Gurkha Ghost Exorcist is a Medium-Full bodied Gordo, handmade by Kaizad Hansotia in Dominican Republic with a Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper, a Criollo '98 binder and a Dominican & Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a pack of 21 cigars. Más información -
Gurkha Cellar Reserve Kraken XO - 20 cigars
259,00 $The Gurkha Cellar Reserve Kracken XO is a Medium-Full bodied Gordo, handmade by Kaizad Hansotia in Dominican Republic with a Criollo '98 wrapper, a aged Dominican Olor binder and a 15 years aged Dominican filler and it comes in a pack of 20 cigars. Más información -
Gurkha Cellar Reserve Hedonism Perfecto, 15 Year - 20 cigars
259,00 $The Gurkha Cellar Reserve Hedonism Perfecto, 15 Year is a Medium-Full bodied Perfecto, handmade by Kaizad Hansotia in Dominican Republic with a Criollo wrapper, a Dominican Olor binder and a Dominican filler and it comes in a Pack of 20 cigars. Más información -
Flor de las Antillas Toro Gordo - 20 cigars
209,00 $The Flor de Las Antillas Toro Gordo is a Medium-Full bodied Gordo, handmade in Nicaragua by Jaime Garcia and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars. Más información -
Cohiba Puro Dominicana Toro - 25 cigars
239,00 $The Cohiba Puro Dominicana Toro cigar is blended to be the perfectly balanced cigar. This is Cohiba's true super-premium toro cigar. Más información -
Cohiba Puro Dominicana Robusto - 25 cigars
219,00 $Full and rich in flavor, yet not overpowering, the Cohiba Puro Dominicana Robusto cigar is a true 100% puro created by Master blender Daniel Nunez from a unique selection of proprietary tobaccos which are carefully aged in tercios and charcoaled wooden barrels, developing their natural flavors. Más información -
Cohiba Puro Dominicana Corona - 25 cigars
Precio Habitual: 229,00 $
Special Price 199,00 $
Full and rich in flavor, yet not overpowering, the Cohiba Puro Dominicana Corona cigar is a true 100% puro created by Master blender Daniel Nunez from a unique selection of proprietary tobaccos which are carefully aged in tercios and charcoaled wooden barrels, developing their natural flavors. Más información -
Cohiba Puro Dominicana Churchill - 25 cigars
259,00 $Developed through countless hours of blending and experimentation and hundreds of prototypes, the Cohiba Puro Dominicana Churchill cigar is blended to be the perfectly balanced cigar. This is Cohiba's true super-premium churchill cigar. Más información -
Cohiba Black Supremo - 25 cigars
469,00 $Meticulously handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba Black Supremo cigars are superb maduro cigars, dark, oily with a hearty Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper that is aged on the plant to yield an exceptionally rich, dark and bold leaf. Más información -
Cohiba Black Corona - 25 cigars
469,00 $Meticulously handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba Black Corona cigars are superb maduro cigars, dark, oily with a hearty Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper that is aged on the plant to yield an exceptionally rich, dark and bold leaf. Bound with sun-grown Dominican Piloto Cubano which is aged in tercios for three years, and filled with a blend of hand-selected tobaccos, each also aged in tercios for three years, Cohiba Black cigars contain Mexican and Dominican filler. Cohiba Black cigars boast a characteristic deep color and rich, complex flavor. Más información -
Cohiba Black Churchill - 25 cigars
499,00 $Meticulously handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba Black Churchill cigars are superb maduro cigars, dark, oily with a hearty Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper aged on the plant to yield an exceptionally rich, dark and bold leaf. Más información -
Casa Magna Oscuro Robusto - 27 cigars
229,00 $The Casa Magna Oscuro Robusto is a Medium-Full bodied Robusto, handmade by Manuel Quesada & Nestor Plasencia in Honduras with a Cuban-seed Honduran Oscuro wrapper, a longleaf Honduran binder and a Cuban-seed Nicaraguan and Honduran filler and it comes in a Box of 27 cigars. Más información -
Casa Magna Gran Toro - 27 cigars
Precio Habitual: 239,00 $
Special Price 229,00 $
An instant classic, the Casa Magna Gran Toro cigar has just been announced as the Number 1 cigar of 2008 by Cigar Aficionado. A medium-to-full bodied Nicaraguan puro cigar produced through a collaboration between Fonseca's Manuel Quesada and Nestor Plascencia. All Nicaraguan tobaccos deliver a tremendous depth and complexity; a clean and crisp sweetness; and toasty aromas. All this is wrapped in a rare Cuban seed ligero wrapper leaf with a great sheen and oiliness. Más información -
Casa Magna Churchill - 27 cigars
229,00 $The smooth and medium-to-full-bodied Casa Magna Churchill cigar is a Nicaraguan puro cigar produced through a collaboration between Fonseca's Manuel Quesada and Nestor Plascencia. Más información -
Casa Magna Belicoso - 27 cigars
Precio Habitual: 249,00 $
Special Price 229,00 $
The Casa Magna Belicoso cigar is a medium-to-full bodied Nicaraguan puro cigar produced through a collaboration between Fonseca's Manuel Quesada and Nestor Plascencia. Más información