Non-Cuban Cigars
Cigar Terminal offers a wide range of international cigars from Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and more. Cigar Terminal offers guaranteed worldwide shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Padron 3000, Natural - 26 cigars
209,00 $Sin existencias
Padron 3000 cigars are among the finest, handmade, complex cigars with the flavor of Cuban heritage out of which the Padron recipe was born. Más información -
Padron 5000, EMS - 26 cigars
249,00 $Sin existencias
Padron 5000 EMS cigars are among the finest, handmade, complex cigars with the flavor of Cuban heritage out of which the Padron recipe was born. Más información -
Padron 5000, Maduro - 26 cigars
249,00 $Sin existencias
The deep and dark maduro wrappers of the Padron 5000 Maduro cigars are the result of Orlando Padron personally cultivating all the Padron maruro wrappers and hand picking only the very best Cuban-seed leaves in the Padron fields. Más información -
Rocky Patel Platinum Robusto - 20 cigars
239,00 $Sin existencias
The Rocky Patel Platinum Robusto is sleek 5 1/2 x 50 perfectly box pressed premium cigar that's been blended to offer a full-flavored classic rich Rocky cigar. Más información -
The Griffin's Maduro Robusto - 25 cigars
209,00 $Sin existencias
The Griffin’s Maduro Robusto is a first-class smoke from Davidoff, a smooth and creamy, mild-medium 5” by 50. It comes in a box of 25 cigars. AGED CIGAR ALERT: This is a vintage cigar with limited availability. Más información -
Vegafina 1998 50 - 25 cigars
209,00 $Sin existencias
The Vegafina 1998 50 is a Full bodied Robusto, handmade by Grupo de Maestros in Dominican Republic with a Habana Ecuador wrapper, a Java Indonesia binder and a Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Colombia filler and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. Más información -
Vegafina 1998 52 - 25 cigars
229,00 $Sin existencias
The Vegafina 1998 52 is a Full bodied Robusto, handmade by Grupo de Maestros in Dominican Republic with a Habana Ecuador wrapper, a Java Indonesia binder and a Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Colombia filler and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. Más información -
VegaFina Nicaragua Robusto - 25 cigars
219,00 $Sin existencias
The VegaFina Nicaragua Robusto is a Medium-Full bodied Robusto, handmade by Grupo de Maestros in Nicaragua with a Nicaraguan Habano 2000 wrapper, a Nicaraguan Jalapa binder and a Nicaraguan Jalapa, Nicaraguan Esteli & Nicaraguan Ligero filler and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. Más información -
Vegafina Robusto - 25 cigars
219,00 $Sin existencias
The Vegafina Robusto is a Mild-Medium bodied Robusto, handmade by Grupo de Maestros in Dominican Republic with a Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, a Indonesian binder and a Colombian, Dominican, and Honduran filler and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. Más información