Non-Cuban Cigars
Cigar Terminal offers a wide range of international cigars from Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and more. Cigar Terminal offers guaranteed worldwide shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
The Griffin's Prestige Natural - 25 cigars
279,00 $The Griffin’s Prestige Natural is a large mild-medium, 7.5” by 50. Rich & complex, its mild-medium body will delight aficionados of smooth cigars. AGED CIGAR ALERT: This is a vintage cigar with limited availability. Más información -
The Griffin's Gran Robusto Natural - 25 cigars
299,00 $The Griffin's Gran Robusto Natural is a Mild bodied Robusto, handmade by Davidoff in the Dominican Republic with a Ecuadorian wrapper, a Dominican binder and a Dominican filler and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. Más información -
Rocky Patel White Label Toro - 20 cigars
419,00 $The Rocky Patel White Label Toro is a Medium bodied Toro, handmade by Rocky Patel in Nicaragua with a Connecticut wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars. Más información -
Rocky Patel White Label Sixty - 20 cigars
449,00 $The Rocky Patel White Label Sixty is a Medium bodied Gordo, handmade by Rocky Patel in Nicaragua with a Connecticut wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars. Más información -
Rocky Patel White Label Robusto Plus Lighter Set - 20 cigars
459,00 $The Rocky Patel White Label Robusto is a Medium bodied Robusto, handmade by Rocky Patel in Nicaragua with a Connecticut wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars plus a lighter. Más información -
Rocky Patel White Label Churchill - 20 cigars
419,00 $The Rocky Patel White Label Churchill is a Medium bodied Churchill, handmade by Rocky Patel in Nicaragua with a Connecticut wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars. Más información -
Rocky Patel Decade Emperor - 20 cigars
279,00 $The Rocky Patel Decade Emperor cigar is a full-bodied premium cigar with a soft box press with an Ecuadoran wrapper and binder and filler from Nicaragua. Decade cigars are handmade in Danli Honduras at the El Paraiso Cigar Factory. Más información -
Rocky Patel DBS Toro - 20 cigars
339,00 $The Rocky Patel DBS Toro is a Medium-Full bodied Toro, handmade by Rocky Patel in Nicaragua with a San Andrés Mexican maduro wrapper, a Pennsylvanian Broadleaf and Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan Broadleaf and Honduran filler and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars. Más información -
Rocky Patel DBS Sixty - 20 cigars
379,00 $The Rocky Patel DBS Sixt is a Medium-Full bodied Gordo, handmade by Rocky Patel in Nicaragua with a San Andrés Mexican maduro wrapper, a Pennsylvanian Broadleaf and Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan Broadleaf and Honduran filler and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars. Más información -
Rocky Patel DBS Robusto - 20 cigars
329,00 $The Rocky Patel DBS Robusto is a Medium-Full bodied Robusto, handmade by Rocky Patel in Nicaragua with a San Andrés Mexican maduro wrapper, a Pennsylvanian Broadleaf and Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan Broadleaf and Honduran filler and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars. Más información -
Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Champagne Torpedo - 25 cigars
289,00 $The Perdomo Champagne Torpedo cigars features an intricate blend of deeply aged Nicaraguan Cuban-seed tobaccos subtly accentuated with a golden Connecticut shade wrapper aged over 6 years. Más información -
Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Champagne Churchill - 25 cigars
289,00 $The Perdomo Reserve Champagne Churchill cigar features an intricate blend of deeply aged Nicaraguan Cuban-seed tobaccos subtly accentuated with a golden Connecticut shade wrapper aged over 6 years. Más información -
Padron Family Reserve 50 Years Naturel - 10 cigars
369,00 $The Padron Family Reserve 50 Years Naturel is a Medium bodied Robusto, handmade by Jorge Padron in Nicaragua with a Nicaragua wrapper, a Nicaragua binder and a Nicaragua filler and it comes in a Box of 10 cigars. Más información -
Padron Family Reserve 45 Years Naturel - 10 cigars
389,00 $The Padron Family Reserve 45 Years Naturel is a Medium bodied Toro, handmade by Jorge Padron in Nicaragua with a Nicaragua wrapper, a Nicaragua binder and a Nicaragua filler and it comes in a Box of 10 cigars. Más información -
Padron Family Reserve 44 Years Naturel - 10 cigars
449,00 $Padron in Nicaragua with a Nicaragua wrapper, a Nicaragua binder and a Nicaragua filler and it comes in a Box of 10 cigars. Más información -
My Father The Judge 652 - 23 cigars
339,00 $The My Father The Judge 652 is a Medium-Full bodied Toro, handmade by the Garcia family in Nicaragua with a Ecuador Sumatra wrapper and binder and filler from Nicaragua and it comes in a Box of 23 cigars. Más información -
Macanudo Cafe Prince of Wales - 25 cigars
279,00 $Macanudo Prince of Wales cigars are hand made in the Dominican Republic with aged Connecticut Shade wrappers, Mexican filler and a binder of Dominican Jamaican & Mexican tobaccos aged three years minimum. Más información -
Macanudo Cafe Duke of Windsor - 25 cigars
279,00 $Macanudo Duke of Windsor cigars are hand made in the Dominican Republic with aged Connecticut Shade wrappers, Mexican filler and a binder of Dominican Jamaican & Mexican tobaccos aged three years minimum. Más información -
Drew Estate Undercrown Shade Gordito - 25 cigars
279,00 $The Drew Estate Undercrown Shade Gordito is a Medium bodied Gordito, handmade by Willy Herrera in Nicaragua with a Ecuador Connecticut wrapper, a Sumatra binder and a Dominican & Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. Más información -
Cohiba Red Dot Robusto - 25 cigars
479,00 $The super-premium Cohiba Red Dot Robusto is a deeply satisfying Dominican cigar, full and rich in flavor, yet not at all overpowering. A mild-to-medium premium cigars with toasy, wood flavor in a blend that sets the standard among premium Dominican cigars. Más información