Non-Cuban Cigars
Cigar Terminal offers a wide range of international cigars from Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and more. Cigar Terminal offers guaranteed worldwide shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Cain by Oliva Habano Ligero Torpedo - 5 cigars
69,00 $The Cain Maduro Cigars are produced by Oliva and are a powerhouse blending of triple fermented all ligero tobacco. Más información -
CAO Brazilia Samba - 5 cigars
69,00 $CAO Brazilia Samba cigars are terrific looking belicosos highlighted by their outstanding beautiful, rich, brown wrapper leaf from Brazil. Aged to perfection and blended with rich yet smooth Nicaraguan fillers. Más información -
Perdomo Habano Corojo Torpedo - 5 cigars
69,00 $Sin existencias
The Perdomo Habano Corojo Torpedo cigar is blended with a beautiful Cuban seed Corojo leaf that is thick and leathery delivering a complex bold assortment of deep flavors of earth, nuts, and spice notes. Más información -
Perdomo Reserve Champagne Noir Torpedo - 5 cigars
69,00 $Sin existencias
The Perdomo Reserve Maduro Torpedo cigar features a rich appearance and complex, rich flavor with a triple fermented Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper. Más información