Non-Cuban Cigars
Cigar Terminal offers a wide range of international cigars from Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and more. Cigar Terminal offers guaranteed worldwide shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Ashton Aged Maduro #60 - 5 cigars
99,00 $Ashton Aged Maduro cigars are full strength cigars with a sweet tobacco character. There are hints of cinnamon and a smooth nuttiness. These cigars are aged to perfection resulting in sweet herbal notes and a superb toasty flavor. Más información -
Ashton Cabinet Belicoso - 25 cigars
319,00 $The Ashton Cabinet Belicosos 4-5 year old Dominican filler blend has a rich, complex & well rounded taste. Más información -
Ashton Cabinet Belicoso - 5 cigars
79,00 $The Ashton Cabinet Belicosos 4-5 year old Dominican filler blend has a rich, complex & well rounded taste. Más información -
Ashton Cabinet No. 1 - 10 cigars
259,00 $The Cabinet's 4-5 year old Dominican filler blend has a rich, complex and well rounded taste. Más información -
Ashton Cabinet No. 1 - 5 cigars
149,00 $The Cabinet's 4-5 year old Dominican filler blend has a rich, complex and well rounded taste. Más información -
Ashton Cabinet No. 2 - 20 cigars
339,00 $The Cabinet's 4-5 year old Dominican filler blend has a rich, complex and well rounded taste. Más información -
Ashton Cabinet No. 2 - 5 cigars
89,00 $The Cabinet's 4-5 year old Dominican filler blend has a rich, complex and well rounded taste. Más información -
Ashton Cabinet No. 3 - 20 cigars
319,00 $The Cabinet's 4-5 year old Dominican filler blend has a rich, complex and well rounded taste. Más información -
Ashton Cabinet No. 3 - 5 cigars
109,00 $The Cabinet's 4-5 year old Dominican filler blend has a rich, complex and well rounded taste. Más información -
Ashton Cabinet No. 6 - 25 cigars
349,00 $Ashton Cabinet No.6 is a great robusto. The Cabinet's 4-5 year old Dominican filler blend has a rich, complex & well rounded taste. The extraordinary Connecticut shade wrapper is aged for an extra year & has an elegant palamino color resulting in a smooth, creamy flavor. Más información -
Ashton Cabinet No. 6 - 5 cigars
89,00 $Ashton Cabinet No.6 is a great robusto. The Cabinet's 4-5 year old Dominican filler blend has a rich, complex & well rounded taste. The extraordinary Connecticut shade wrapper is aged for an extra year & has an elegant palamino color resulting in a smooth, creamy flavor. Más información -
Ashton Cabinet No. 7 - 25 cigars
339,00 $The Cabinet's 4-5 year old Dominican filler blend has a rich, complex and well rounded taste. Más información -
Ashton Cabinet No. 7 - 5 cigars
99,00 $The Cabinet's 4-5 year old Dominican filler blend has a rich, complex and well rounded taste. Más información -
Ashton Cabinet No. 8 - 25 cigars
349,00 $Ashton Cabinet No. 8 cigars are medium-bodied premium cigars with a creamy texture and a solid core of nutty flavors that lead into a light spiciness. Más información -
Ashton Cabinet No. 8 - 5 cigars
109,00 $Ashton Cabinet No. 8 cigars are medium-bodied premium cigars with a creamy texture and a solid core of nutty flavors that lead into a light spiciness. Más información -
Ashton Cabinet Pyramides - 25 cigars
339,00 $The Ashton Cabinet Pyramides Cigar is a medium-bodied cigar with a creamy texture and a solid core of nutty flavors that lead into a light spiciness. Más información -
Ashton Churchills - 25 cigars
329,00 $Ashton Churchill cigars are big, solid cigars with a terrific smooth and oily wrapper. They have a rich and creamy flavor, along with hints of nut and sweet coffee notes. Más información -
Ashton Churchills - 5 cigars
89,00 $Ashton Churchill cigars are big, solid cigars with a terrific smooth and oily wrapper. They have a rich and creamy flavor, along with hints of nut and sweet coffee notes. Más información -
Ashton Cordiales - 25 cigars
219,00 $A mild cigar with pleasing flavors of nuts and sweet wood. A well-made cigar. Más información -
Ashton Coronas - 25 cigars
279,00 $The Ashton Corona is a smooth, creamy-tasting cigar. There are solid notes of sweet herbs and a sweet wood finish, mild- to medium-bodied. Más información