Non-Cuban Cigars

Cigar Terminal offers a wide range of international cigars from Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and more. Cigar Terminal offers guaranteed worldwide shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
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  1. Cohiba Red Dot Triangularo (Nat) - 25 cigars

    Cohiba Red Dot Triangularo (Nat) - 25 cigars

    489,00 $

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    The Cohiba Red Dot Triangularos is a smooth, complex flavored Dominican cigar with plenty of body and character. Pleasant aromas and cool finish make this one of the most enjoyable handmade cigars on the market. Más información
  2. CAO CX2 Belicoso - 20 cigars

    CAO CX2 Belicoso - 20 cigars

    259,00 $

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    CAO Cx2 Belicoso cigars are the first cigar ever to incorporate two Cameroon wrapper leaves in one cigar blend. One Cameroon leaf serves as the wrapper and another Cameroon as the binder. Más información
  3. Avo Maduro Belicoso - 25 cigars

    Avo Maduro Belicoso - 25 cigars

    239,00 $

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    The Avo Maduro Belicoso cigar is rich in flavor and mild-bodied. This perfect blend of five tobaccos offers cigar smokers a perfectly balanced cigar experience. Más información
  4. Arturo Fuente Chateau Cuban Belicoso - cigar

    Arturo Fuente Chateau Cuban Belicoso - 24 cigars

    199,00 $

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    The Arturo Fuente Chateau Cuban Belicoso is a Medium bodied Belicoso, handmade by Arturo Fuente in Dominican Republic with a Ecuador Sungrown Colorado Maduro wrapper, a Dominican binder and a Dominican filler and it comes in a Box of 24 cigars. Más información
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