Non-Cuban Cigars
Cigar Terminal offers a wide range of international cigars from Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and more. Cigar Terminal offers guaranteed worldwide shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
CAO MX2 Robusto - 20 cigars
Precio Habitual: 249,00 $
Special Price 239,00 $
The CAO MX2 Robusto cigar has a taste layered with rich, intense and vibrant flavors. The CAO MX2 cigar line is of medium strength featuring 2 aged Maduro wrappers in a blend that combines only the best tobaccos from six different countries. Más información -
Capitol Jack - 10 cigars
100,00 $The Capitol Jack is a Mild-Medium bodied Robusto, handmade by Rafael Nodal in Nicaragua with a Nicaraguan wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a Box of 10 cigars. Más información -
Casa Magna Oscuro Robusto - 27 cigars
229,00 $The Casa Magna Oscuro Robusto is a Medium-Full bodied Robusto, handmade by Manuel Quesada & Nestor Plasencia in Honduras with a Cuban-seed Honduran Oscuro wrapper, a longleaf Honduran binder and a Cuban-seed Nicaraguan and Honduran filler and it comes in a Box of 27 cigars. Más información -
Cohiba Puro Dominicana Robusto - 25 cigars
219,00 $Full and rich in flavor, yet not overpowering, the Cohiba Puro Dominicana Robusto cigar is a true 100% puro created by Master blender Daniel Nunez from a unique selection of proprietary tobaccos which are carefully aged in tercios and charcoaled wooden barrels, developing their natural flavors. Más información -
Cohiba Red Dot Robusto - 25 cigars
479,00 $The super-premium Cohiba Red Dot Robusto is a deeply satisfying Dominican cigar, full and rich in flavor, yet not at all overpowering. A mild-to-medium premium cigars with toasy, wood flavor in a blend that sets the standard among premium Dominican cigars. Más información -
Cohiba Red Dot Robusto - 5 cigars
119,00 $The super-premium Cohiba Red Dot Robusto is a deeply satisfying Dominican cigar, full and rich in flavor, yet not at all overpowering. A mild-to-medium premium cigars with toasy, wood flavor in a blend that sets the standard among premium Dominican cigars. Más información -
Cohiba Red Dot Seleccion Suprema - 6 cigars
119,00 $From one of the premier names in the cigar world, comes this unique Cohiba cigar sampler. A must have selection of fine Cohibas from across the various Cohiba cigar lines. Más información -
Cuesta Rey Robusto No.7 Maduro - 10 cigars
99,00 $The Cuesta Rey Robusto No.7 Maduro is a Mild-Medium bodied Robusto, handmade in Dominican Republic by Arturo Fuente and it comes in a Box of 10 cigars. Más información -
Cuesta Rey Robusto No.7 Natural - 10 cigars
99,00 $The Cuesta Rey Robusto No.7 Natural is a Mild-Medium bodied Robusto, handmade in Dominican Republic by Arturo Fuente and it comes in a Box of 10 cigars. Más información -
Don Tomas Clasico Robusto Natural - 25 cigars
199,00 $The Don Tomas Clasico Robusto Natural is a Mild bodied Robusto, handmade by Estelo Padron in Honduras with a Honduran wrapper, a Honduran binder and a Nicaraguan & Honduran filler and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. Más información -
Don Tomas Clasico Rothschild Natural - 25 cigars
199,00 $The Don Tomas Clasico Rothschild Natural is a Mild bodied Robusto, handmade by Estelo Padron in Honduras with a Honduran wrapper, a Honduran binder and a Nicaraguan & Honduran filler and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. Más información -
Drew Estate Undercrown Maduro Flying Pig - 12 cigars
179,00 $The Drew Estate Undercrown Maduro Flying Pig is a Medium bodied Robusto, handmade by Willy Herrera in Nicaragua with a San Andres Maduro wrapper, a Connecticut binder and a Brazil & Nicaragua filler and it comes in a Box of 12 cigars. Más información -
Drew Estate Undercrown Maduro Flying Pig - 5 cigars
99,00 $The Drew Estate Undercrown Maduro Flying Pig is a Medium bodied Robusto, handmade by Willy Herrera in Nicaragua with a Ecuador Connecticut wrapper, a Sumatra binder and a Dominican & Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a Box of 5 cigars. Más información -
Drew Estate Undercrown Maduro Robusto - 25 cigars
199,00 $The Drew Estate Undercrown Maduro Robusto is a Medium bodied Robusto, handmade by Willy Herrera in Nicaragua with a San Andres Maduro wrapper, a Connecticut binder and a Brazil & Nicaragua filler and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. Más información -
Drew Estate Undercrown Shade Robusto - 25 cigars
219,00 $The Drew Estate Undercrown Shade Robusto is a Medium bodied Robusto, handmade by Willy Herrera in Nicaragua with a Ecuador Connecticut wrapper, a Sumatra binder and a Dominican & Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. Más información -
EP Carrillo Encore Majestic - 5 cigars
99,00 $The EP Carrillo Encore Majestic was rated The Cigar of the Year in 2018 by Cigar Aficionado and it is a Medium-Full bodied Robusto, handmade by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo in Dominican Republic with a Nicaraguan wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a Pack of 5 cigars. Más información -
Flor de las Antillas Robusto - 20 cigars
189,00 $The Flor de Las Antillas Robusto is a Medium-Full bodied Robusto, handmade in Nicaragua by Jaime Garcia and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars. Más información -
Flor de Oliva Robusto - 20 cigars
99,00 $The Flor de Oliva Robusto is a Medium bodied Robusto, handmade in Nicaragua by Oliva and it comes in a bundle of 20 cigars. Más información -
Gurkha Ghost Shadow Robusto - 21 cigars
169,00 $The Gurkha Ghost Shadow Robusto is a Medium-Full bodied Robusto, handmade by Kaizad Hansotia in Dominican Republic with a Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper, a Criollo '98 binder and a Dominican & Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a pack of 21 cigars. Más información -
Handcrafted Partagas Sampler - 10 cigars
99,00 $Dominican Partagas cigars are renowned for their consistancy in terms of quality and flavor. Más información