Cohiba Black
An espresso of a cigar, Dominican Cohiba Black cigars boast a characteristic deep color and rich, complex flavor. Dominican Cohiba Black cigars are adorned with a hearty Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper that is aged on the plant to yield an exceptionally rich, dark and bold leaf. The Dominican Cohiba cigar is bound with sun-grown Dominican Piloto Cubano which is aged in tercios for three years, and filled with a blend of hand-selected tobaccos.
Cohiba Black Corona - 5 cigars
109,00 $Meticulously handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba Black Corona cigars are superb maduro cigars, dark, oily with a hearty Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper that is aged on the plant to yield an exceptionally rich, dark and bold leaf. Más información -
Cohiba Black Corona - 25 cigars
469,00 $Meticulously handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba Black Corona cigars are superb maduro cigars, dark, oily with a hearty Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper that is aged on the plant to yield an exceptionally rich, dark and bold leaf. Bound with sun-grown Dominican Piloto Cubano which is aged in tercios for three years, and filled with a blend of hand-selected tobaccos, each also aged in tercios for three years, Cohiba Black cigars contain Mexican and Dominican filler. Cohiba Black cigars boast a characteristic deep color and rich, complex flavor. Más información