Cohiba Red Dot Seleccion Suprema - 6 cigars

Cohiba Red Dot 580001

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Disponibilidad: En existencias

119,00 $

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From one of the premier names in the cigar world, comes this unique Cohiba cigar sampler. A must have selection of fine Cohibas from across the various Cohiba cigar lines.

Cohiba Red Dot Seleccion Suprema - 6 cigars

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Cohiba Red Dot Seleccion Suprema - 6 cigars

From one of the premier names in the cigar world, comes this unique Cohiba cigar sampler. A must have selection of fine Cohibas from across the various Cohiba cigar lines. This cigar sampler includes one each of these Cohiba cigars: Cohiba Toro Tubo, Cohiba Black Corona, Cohiba 652, Cohiba Red Dot Robusto, Cohiba Lonsdale Grande, and one Cohiba Red Dot Corona.


Pack of 6 cigars

Información adicional

Marca Cohiba Red Dot
Caja de 6
Longitud 5 inches (127 mm)
Calibre para anillos 49
Shape Robusto
Fuerza Medium - Full
Código de embalaje 6

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