Cohiba Red Dot
Dominican Cohiba Red Dot Cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic. With their dark, rich Cameroon cigar wrapper leaf, Cohibas are full-bodied premium cigars, yet smooth and easy smoking. A rich blend of the best tobaccos create a complex array of flavors. Cohiba's supple and flavorful Jember binder balances the richness of the Cohiba cigar wrapper, while the smooth-smoking Dominican Piloto Cubano filler leaves round out the blend to perfection.
Cohiba Red Dot Seleccion Suprema - 6 cigars
119,00 $From one of the premier names in the cigar world, comes this unique Cohiba cigar sampler. A must have selection of fine Cohibas from across the various Cohiba cigar lines. Más información -
Cohiba Red Dot Robusto - 5 cigars
119,00 $The super-premium Cohiba Red Dot Robusto is a deeply satisfying Dominican cigar, full and rich in flavor, yet not at all overpowering. A mild-to-medium premium cigars with toasy, wood flavor in a blend that sets the standard among premium Dominican cigars. Más información -
Cohiba Red Dot Pequenos - 30 cigars
179,00 $The super-premium Cohiba Red Dot Pequenos is a deeply satisfying Dominican cigar, full and rich in flavor, yet not at all overpowering. A mild-to-medium premium cigars with toasy, wood flavor in a blend that sets the standard among premium Dominican cigars. Más información -
Cohiba Red Dot Lonsdale Grande - 5 cigars
119,00 $The Cohiba Red Dot Lonsdale Grande is a smooth, complex flavored Dominican cigar with plenty of body and character. It's pleasant aromas and cool finish make this one of the most enjoyable Dominican handmade cigars on the market. Más información -
Cohiba Red Dot Corona - 5 cigars
109,00 $The super-premium Cohiba Red Dot Corona is a deeply satisfying Dominican cigar, full and rich in flavor, yet not at all overpowering. A mild-to-medium premium cigars with toasy, wood flavor in a blend that sets the standard among premium Dominican cigars. Más información -
Cohiba Red Dot Churchill - 5 cigars
129,00 $The super-premium Cohiba Red Dot Churchill is a deeply satisfying Dominican cigar, full and rich in flavor, yet not at all overpowering. A mild-to-medium premium cigar with toasy, wood flavor in a blend that sets the standard among premium Dominican cigars. Más información -
Cohiba Red Dot Triangularo - 5 cigars
129,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Red Dot Triangularos is a smooth, complex flavored Dominican cigar with plenty of body and character. Pleasant aromas and cool finish make this one of the most enjoyable handmade cigars on the market. Más información