Cuban Cigars
Cohiba Siglo II SLB - 25 cigars
949,00 $The Cohiba Siglo II is a classic Cuban smoke, a medium bodied Mareva, with 42 ring gauge, 5.1” (129mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Very well constructed cigar, it reflects Cohiba’s attention to detail and strive for perfection. The cigar smokes slowly and packs the typical Cohiba flavors in a shorter vitola. Lots of honey, leather and delicious cocoa and vanilla flavors. An amazing short Cohiba. Más información -
Cohiba Siglo II - 5 cigars (pack of 5)
209,00 $ Valor mínimo: 199,00 $The Cohiba Siglo II is an all-star cigar, a medium bodied Mareva, with 42 ring gauge, 5” (129mm) long and comes in a pack of 5 cigars. Very well constructed cigar, it reflects Cohiba’s attention to detail and strive for perfection. The cigar smokes slowly and packs the typical Cohiba flavors in a shorter vitola. Lots of honey, leather and delicious cocoa and vanilla flavors. An amazing short Cohiba. Más información -
Cohiba Siglo de Oro Year of the Rabbit 2023 - 18 cigars
5.999,00 $Presented in 18-count boxes, the Cohiba Siglo de Oro boasts dimensions of 4.5 inches by 54 ring gauge, introducing a novel vitola within both the Cohiba and Habanos portfolios, named Éxitosos.
In a dual celebration, Habanos S.A., the Cuban cigar distributor, introduces the Cohiba Siglo de Oro, a fresh offering that pays homage to the Lunar New Year while commemorating the 30th anniversary of the iconic Línea 1492, also recognized as the “Siglo Series.” This special release not only marks the advent of the new year but also honors the three-decade legacy of the Linea 1492, a cornerstone of Cohiba’s success.
Following the tradition initiated in 2019 with the Romeo y Julieta Maravillas No.8 (Year of the Rat), the Cohiba Siglo de Oro stands as the fourth release by Habanos S.A. crafted in celebration of the Chinese Lunar New Year, which is the year of the Rabbit.
Only 18,888 boxes have been crafted, a number symbolizing luck in Chinese culture due to the significance of the number 8. Each box bears a unique serial number displayed on a golden badge inside the lid, alongside an NFC chip. This cutting-edge technology allows users to scan the box with their smartphones for instant authentication and access to additional information about the cigars. Remarkably, this marks the first instance of NFC technology being integrated into a Cuban cigar box, functioning seamlessly even through the closed wooden box and outer packaging.
Additionally, a secondary band adorns each of these new Cohibas, representing the Year of the Rabbit, the current animal in the Chinese zodiac. The phrase "Year of the Rabbit" is also imprinted on the intricately designed, beveled box, along with a stylized logo commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Línea 1492 brand. While 2023 officially marked the Year of the Rabbit, it's worth noting that the Línea 1492 brand was introduced in 1992, making this anniversary celebration slightly delayed.
Cohiba Short - 100 cigars (packs of 10)
199,00 $ Valor mínimo: 189,00 $The Cohiba Short is a machine-made cigarillo, of 27 ring gauge, 3 1/4” (83 mm) long and comes in 10 packs of 10 cigars. A great short smoke for typical Cohiba flavors under 15 minutes. Más información -
Cohiba Panetelas - 25 cigars
759,00 $The Cohiba Panetelas is a savory little Habano, a medium-full Laguito No.3, 4.5” (115mm) long, of 26 ring gauge, and comes in a cabinet of 25 cigars. Más información -
Cohiba Medio Siglo Tubos - 3 cigars
229,00 $The Cohiba Medio Siglo Tubo is a short and thick Cohiba, a unique Petit Robusto in their line-up, with 52 ring gauge, 4" (102mm) long and comes in a 3 cigars pack in aluminum tubes. Más información -
Cohiba Esplendidos - 3 cigars
329,00 $The Cohiba Esplendido is one of Cohiba’s jewel, a powerful yet smooth Churchill, of 47 ring gauge, 7" (178mm) long and comes in a pack of 3 cigars. Originally launched in 1989, it became so popular in the beginning of the 2000’s to the point that it was over produced which caused a decline of quality. This issue has been resolved since, and the Esplendido has recovered its position at the top of Cuban cigars and even in the world, as it was voted among the Top 25 Cigars of 2014 by Cigar Aficionado. In short, the Esplendido is one of the most delightful cigars, which doesn't have any flaws. It is a bold smoke, yet with lots of creamy flavors. A top notch cigar. Más información -
Cohiba Esplendidos - 25 cigars
2.699,00 $The Cohiba Esplendido is one of Cohiba’s flagships, a rich and creamy Churchill, of 47 ring gauge, 7" (178mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Originally launched in 1989, it became so popular in the beginning of the 2000’s to the point that it was over produced which caused a decline of quality. This issue has been resolved since, and the Esplendido has recovered its position at the top of Cuban cigars and even in the world, as it was voted among the Top 25 Cigars of 2014 by Cigar Aficionado. In short, the Esplendido is one of the most delightful cigars, which doesn't have any flaws. It is a bold smoke, yet with lots of creamy flavors. A top notch cigar. Más información -
Cohiba Coronas Especiales - 25 cigars
1.509,00 $The Cohiba Coronas Especiales is an elegant premium medium to full Laguito No.2, of 38 ring gauge, 6" (152mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. This cigar is a delicacy out of the box, with generous aromas of fresh hay, coffee, spices; very complex smoke. But once aged for about 5 years, it offers a mellowed flavor profile with ample creaminess and woodiness. Perfect construction and burn to top it all. Más información -
Bolivar New Gold Medal LCDH - 10 cigars
699,00 $The Bolivar New Gold Medal LCDH is a 2023 La Casa Del Habano exclusive release. A Grand Corona of 6½” (165mm) by 48 ring gauge, and comes in a box of 10 cigars wrapped in gold foil. Sharing the same vitola as the Montecristo No.1 (Cervantes), the Bolivar Gold Medal was initially discontinued in 1992. However, it made a comeback in 2004 exclusively for La Casa Del Habano Germany, with only 1000 boxes produced. In 2007, it was re-released as a La Casa Del Habano exclusive but was later discontinued in 2011. In 2023, a new version was introduced—the New Gold Medal. While maintaining the same length as its predecessor, it now boasts a larger ring gauge, adopting the Partagas 15 vitola, similar to the Ramon Allones Imperiales. According to Habanos S.A., the Bolívar New Gold Medal is hailed as one of the finest Habanos in the current selection, renowned for its full flavor, strength, and body. Its distinctive earthy essence is a defining feature, complemented by spicy, fruity, and roasted tobacco notes. The amalgamation of these nuanced flavors has elevated it to the status of a new cult favorite among Habanos enthusiasts. Observations while smoking: Starts off light initially but gradually intensifies. Exhibits the robust strength characteristic of Bolivar cigars. Displays promising potential for aging.
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Vegueros Especiales No.1 - 25 cigars
229,00 $Sin existencias
The Vegueros Especiales No.1, discontinued in 2010, is a light yet tasty Long Panetela, 7’5” (192mm) long, of 38 ring gauge, and comes in a 25 cigars box. Más información -
Vegueros Centrogordos - 16 cigars
199,00 $Sin existencias
The Vegueros Centrogordo released in 2022, is a 3⅞″ (100mm) by 54 ring gauge, and comes in a tin of 16 cigars. This Habanos, with its medium-bodied profile, captivates your senses with a luxurious blend of earth, grass, wood, coffee, leather, and a subtle hint of pepper. Crafted entirely by hand, it originates from the Francisco Dantien factory situated in the heart of Pinar del Rio, renowned for producing Cuba's finest tobacco. Vegueros pays homage to the skilled Cuban farmers who have honed the craft of tobacco cultivation across generations. Introducing the CentroGordos size to its lineup, Vegueros not only expands its range but also commemorates the legacy of tradition and artistry that accompanies every draw. The Vegueros Centrogordo epitomizes the ideal daily cigar, symbolizing tradition and quality. Considered the best value robusto from Habanos S.A., it offers remarkable complexity for its cost. With an excellent price-to-value ratio, it boasts a flavor profile that perfectly suits the palate, along with top-notch construction, making it highly recommended for all cigar enthusiasts. Más información -
Vegueros Centrofinos - 16 cigars (packs of 4)
239,00 $Sin existencias
The newly released Vegueros Centrofinos is a medium to full body 5.1” by 50 Robusto sized cigar with a rich flavor profile. It shouldn't be missed. Más información -
Vegueros Centrofinos - 16 cigars
239,00 $Sin existencias
The newly released Vegueros Centrofinos is a medium to full body 5.1” by 50 Robusto sized cigar with a rich flavor profile. It shouldn't be missed. Más información -
Vegas Robaina Unicos - 25 cigars
749,00 $Sin existencias
The Vegas Robaina Unicos is an astonishing and complex medium-full Pyramid, 6.1” (156mm) long, of 52 ring gauge, and comes in a 25 cigars box. What a noble pyramid cigar! Maybe the best Torpedo cigar out of Cuba, the Unico from Vegas Robaina is a real Habano that provides the closest experience of being in Cuba. A very rich cigar that has a very neat construction and an awesome balance of aromas. The taste is very typical of Vegas Robaina puros: smooth yet vibrant with a pinch roasted coffee. Goes along well with aged spirits. Más información -
Vegas Robaina Familiar - 25 cigars
219,00 $Sin existencias
The Vegas Robaina Familiar, discontinued in 2012, is a powerful and complex Corona, 5.6” (129mm) long, of 42 ring gauge, and comes in a 25 cigars box. The flavor profile is very similar to the other vitolas from the Vegas Robaina line up. There is a lot of creaminess, smoothness, some straightforward tobacco, some wood and cedar, coffee and chocolate. There are also notes of sweetness, molasses, nuts, leather and throughout the whole cigar some spiciness. The flavors work very well altogether; the cigar has no rough edges. The construction is as you want it, the burn doesn't require any attention, and it is a pleasure to smoke until the nub. Más información -
Vegas Robaina Don Alejandro - 25 cigars
399,00 $Sin existencias
The Don Alejandro gets its name after one of the most famous Cuban tobacco grower, Alejandro Robaina, which was working for the family business even before the revolution. Its amazing tobacco, growing in the Vuelta Abajo region, was many times honored by the Cuban government as Vegas Robaina was named best tobacco grower during the 1990’s. The Vegas Robaina Don Alejandro is of Prominente format, 49 ring gauge and 7.6 inches (194mm) in length and was launched in 1997 along with the brand other vitolas. It is a very beautiful cigar to start with; the wrapper is incredibly smooth and has a nice milk chocolate color. The cigar smoke starts off with lots of chocolate and creamy coffee. There is also some leather, some nuts, a bit of wood and vanilla. Some notes of cherries are also to be found. The cigar is very smooth, never too harsh, oscillating between a medium and a medium-full body. The construction is impeccable, flawless draw from the start to the finish, sharp burn line, slow burn and smokable until the nub. A great Double Corona. Más información -
Vegas Robaina Don Alejandro - 15 cigars (packs of 3)
239,00 $Sin existencias
The Vegas Robaina Don Alejandro is a flavorful and creamy medium-full Double Corona, 7.6” (194mm) long, of 49 ring gauge, and comes in a 15 cigars box. The Don Alejandro gets its name after one of the most famous Cuban tobacco grower, Alejandro Robaina, which was working for the family business even before the revolution. Its amazing tobacco, growing in the Vuelta Abajo region, was many times honored by the Cuban government as Vegas Robaina was named best tobacco grower during the 1990’s. Launched in 1997 along with the brand other vitolas, it is a very beautiful cigar to start with; the wrapper is incredibly smooth and has a nice milk chocolate color. The cigar smoke starts off with lots of chocolate and creamy coffee. There is also some leather, some nuts, a bit of wood and vanilla. Some notes of cherries are also to be found. The cigar is very smooth, never too harsh, oscillating between a medium and a medium-full body. The construction is impeccable, flawless draw from the start to the finish, sharp burn line, slow burn and smokable until the nub. A great Double Corona. Más información -
Vegas Robaina Clasicos - 25 cigars (5 by 5 packs)
239,00 $Sin existencias
The Vegas Robaina Clasicos, discontinued in 2009, is a smooth and rich medium Lonsdale, 6.5” (165mm) long, of 42 ring gauge, and comes in a 25 cigars box. Más información -
Vegas Robaina Clasicos - 25 cigars
239,00 $Sin existencias
The Vegas Robaina Clasicos, discontinued in 2012, is a creamy and rich Lonsdale, 6.5” (165mm) long, of 42 ring gauge, and comes in a 25 cigars box. Más información