Cuban Cigars
We offer a wide selection of Cuban cigars from Habanos including Cohiba, Montecristo, Partagas, Romeo y Julieta, Bolivar, H.Upmann, Hoyo De Monterrey, El Rey del Mundo and many more global, niche and regional Habanos brands. Cigar Terminal offers guaranteed worldwide shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Cohiba Siglo IV Tubos - 3 cigars
229,00 $ Valor mínimo: 219,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Siglo IV is a Cuban legend, a medium Corona Gorda, of 46 ring gauge, 5.6” (143mm) long and comes in a pack of 3 cigars in aluminum tubes. Cohiba is without a doubt the Cuban expert at rolling cigars, they can produce cigars of all shapes, and yet again they deliver an outstanding puro. This one competes directly to the Punch Gorda’s, and aficionados of this vitola would be surprised with the Siglo IV. Más información -
Punch Royal Seleccion No.11 SLB - 25 cigars
219,00 $Sin existencias
The Punch Royal Seleccion No.11, discontinued since 2010, is a medium Corona Gorda, 5.6”(143mm) long, of 46 ring gauge, and comes in a 25 cigars box. Más información -
Ramon Allones Superiores - 10 cigars
269,00 $Sin existencias
The Ramon Allones Superiores is a tasty medium Grand Corona, 5.6” (143mm) long, of 46 ring gauge, and comes in a 10 cigars box. They are a La Casa Del Habanos exclusive. They are available in 10 count dress boxes. There are 5,000 unnumbered boxes released every year as an LCDH exclusive. Más información