Cuban Cigars
Cohiba Siglo V - 25 cigars (packs of 5)
2.019,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Siglo V is an exquisite Cuban cigar, a Lonsdale of medium strength, of 43 ring gauge, 6.7” (170mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Rated #2 Cigar of the Year 2009 by Cigar Aficionado, it fully deserves this award as it is a perfectly rolled cigar, with a flawless draw and an amazing burn. Powerful flavors are developed by this vitola, which is unique in Cohiba’s lineup, there are lots of cedar, leather, earth, pepper, some sweetness and a constant creaminess. The price is not a deterrent for its many fans, who value this Habano as the best from the Siglo Linea. Más información -
Cohiba Siglo IV Tubos - 15 cigars (packs of 3)
1.199,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Siglo IV is a Cuban legend, a medium Corona Gorda, of 46 ring gauge, 5.6” (143mm) long and comes in aluminum tubes in a box of 15 cigars. Cohiba is without a doubt the Cuban expert at rolling cigars, they can produce cigars of all shapes, and yet again they deliver an outstanding puro. This one competes directly to the Punch Gorda’s, and aficionados of this vitola would be surprised with the Siglo IV. Más información -
Cohiba Siglo IV SLB - 25 cigars
1.849,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Siglo IV may be the best Corona Gorda out of Cuba, savory medium smoke, of 46 ring gauge, 5.6” (143mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Cohiba is without a doubt the Cuban expert at rolling cigars, they can produce cigars of all shapes, and yet again they deliver an outstanding puro. This one competes directly to the Punch Gorda’s, and aficionados of this vitola would be surprised with the Siglo IV. Más información -
Cohiba Siglo IV - 25 cigars (packs of 5)
1.849,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Siglo IV is simply the best Corona Gorda, a delicious medium cigar, of 46 ring gauge, 5.6” (143mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Cohiba is without a doubt the Cuban expert at rolling cigars, they can produce cigars of all shapes, and yet again they deliver an outstanding puro. This one competes directly to the Punch Gorda’s, and aficionados of this vitola would be surprised with the Siglo IV. Más información -
Cohiba Siglo III Tubos - 15 cigars (packs of 3)
1.019,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Siglo III is a classy medium bodied Corona Grande, of 42 ring gauge, 6.1” (155mm) long and comes in aluminum tubes in a box of 15 cigars. Más información -
Cohiba Siglo III SLB - 25 cigars
1.549,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Siglo III is an elegant and complex, a medium bodied Corona Grande, with 42 ring gauge, 6.1” (155mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Más información -
Cohiba Siglo III - 25 cigars (packs of 5)
1.499,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Siglo III is a beautiful and rich cigar, of Corona Grande format, with 42 ring gauge, 6.1” (155mm) long and comes in 5 packs of 5 cigars. Más información -
Cohiba Siglo II Tubos - 15 cigars (packs of 3)
749,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Siglo II is an amazing medium bodied Mareva, with 42 ring gauge, 5.1” (129mm) long and comes in aluminum tubes in a box of 15 cigars. Very well constructed cigar, it reflects Cohiba’s attention to detail and strive for perfection. The cigar smokes slowly and packs the typical Cohiba flavors in a shorter vitola. Lots of honey, leather and delicious cocoa and vanilla flavors. A great short Cohiba. Más información -
Cohiba Siglo II - 25 cigars (packs of 5)
949,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Siglo II is an all-star cigar, a medium bodied Mareva, with 42 ring gauge, 5” (129mm) long and comes in a 5 packs of 5 cigars. Very well constructed cigar, it reflects Cohiba’s attention to detail and strive for perfection. The cigar smokes slowly and packs the typical Cohiba flavors in a shorter vitola. Lots of honey, leather and delicious cocoa and vanilla flavors. An amazing short Cohiba. Más información -
Cohiba Siglo I Tubos - 15 cigars (packs of 3)
509,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Siglo I is a classic and complex Petit Corona, of 40 ring gauge, 4" (102mm) long and comes in aluminum tubes in a box of 15 cigars. This is the shortest cigar in the Linea 1492.This small format Habano, short and thin gauge, is a quick smoke. The burn is even and nice. A perfect choice for a short break. The Siglo I is mild in taste, due to the kind of tobacco leaves (much lighter) used for the filler. The wrapper is also very nice, with very fine veins. Más información -
Cohiba Siglo I SLB - 25 cigars
769,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Siglo I is an outstanding Cuban smoke, a rich and smooth Petit Corona, of 40 ring gauge, 4" (102mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. This is the shortest cigar in the Linea 1492.This small format Habano, short and thin gauge, is a quick smoke. The burn is even and nice. A perfect choice for a short break. The Siglo I is mild in taste, due to the kind of tobacco leaves (much lighter) used for the filler. The wrapper is also very nice, with very fine veins. Más información -
Cohiba Siglo I - 25 cigars (packs of 5)
769,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Siglo I is a classic Habano, a beautiful and complex Petit Corona, of 40 ring gauge, 4" (102mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. This is the shortest cigar in the Linea 1492.This small format Habano, short and thin gauge, is a quick smoke. The burn is even and nice. A perfect choice for a short break. The Siglo I is mild in taste, due to the kind of tobacco leaves (much lighter) used for the filler. The wrapper is also very nice, with very fine veins. Más información -
Cohiba Seleccion 50 Aniversario Travel Humidor 2016 - 8 cigars
899,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Selección 50 Aniversario Travel Humidor 2016 encloses 8 of the most iconic Cohibas. Only 10,000 of this exclusive product have been made and only available in Duty Free shops around the world. Released in 2016 to celebrate Cohiba’s 50th Anniversary, this unique travel humidor will surely please the collectors and Habanos aficionados. Más información -
Cohiba Robustos Tubos - 15 cigars (packs of 3)
1.279,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Robustos is a Cuban all-star, powerful and complex, 50 ring gauge, 4.9” (124mm) long and comes in 5 packs of 3 aluminum tubes. One of Habanos best sellers. Thanks to its near perfect construction and flavors, it is the benchmark for all other robustos. A must-try for any cigar aficionado. Más información -
Cohiba Robustos Supremos Limited Edition 2014 - 10 cigars
Precio Habitual: 459,00 $
Special Price 449,00 $
Sin existencias
The Cohiba Robustos Supremos LE 2014 is an exquisite, rich and complex medium-full Robusto, 5" (127mm) long, of 58 ring gauge, and comes in a 10 cigars box. Más información -
Cohiba Robustos SLB - 25 cigars
1.799,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Robustos is a Cuban classic, rich and strong, 50 ring gauge, 4.9” (124mm) long and comes in an elegant varnished wooden box of 25 cigars. One of Habanos best sellers. Thanks to its near perfect construction and flavors, it is the benchmark for all other robustos. A must-try for any cigar aficionado. Más información -
Cohiba Robustos Reserva Cosecha 2014 - 20 cigars
1.999,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Robustos Reserva Cosecha 2014 is a superb iteration of the classic Cohiba Robusto, a medium-full 4.88” by 50, part of the Reserve series released in 2018. Más información -
Cohiba Robustos - 15 cigars (packs of 3)
1.099,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Robustos is a Cuban all-star, powerful and complex, 50 ring gauge, 4.9” (124mm) long and comes in 5 packs of 3 cigars. One of Habanos best sellers. Thanks to its near perfect construction and flavors, it is the benchmark for all other robustos. A must-try for any cigar aficionado. Más información -
Cohiba Reserva Seleccion - 30 cigars [Various]
1.499,00 $Sin existencias
This special box contains 30 exceptional Cohiba cigars of various formats but each of them packing Cohiba’s unique flavors and perfect construction. Más información -
Cohiba Piramides Extra Tubos - 3 cigars
419,00 $Sin existencias
The Cohiba Piramides Extra is a rich and powerful Torpedo, 6.3” (160mm) long, of 54 ring gauge, and comes in aluminum tubes in a pack of 3 cigars. Released in 2012 as a regular production cigar, this cigar is one of the the newest vitolas in the most exclusive line of the most prestigious Habanos brand. Habanos lovingly refers to this new Cohiba Torpedo as the "Grand Lord". As in the Cohiba Behike, the exceptional 'medio tiempo' tobacco leave is used in the blend of the cigar, which makes this Habano so special with a unique flavor and strong character. This cigar is so complex that it keeps on giving, and won’t let you go before you are satiated and slightly dizzy. This feeling goes on well long after you are done smoking. Más información