Padron Cigar Selection Sampler - 5 cigars
Padron cigars reside at the top of the class in the cigar world, and our Padron Cigar Sampler includes an assortment of their best Nicaraguan puros, including one each of: Padron 2000 (Nat), Padron 3000 (Nat), Padron 4000 Maduro, Padron 6000 Maduro, and Padron Londres (Nat).
Pack of 5 cigars
Información adicional
Marca | Padron |
Caja de | 5 |
Longitud | 5 1/2 inches (140 mm) |
Calibre para anillos | 52 |
Shape | Robusto |
Fuerza | Medium - Full |
Código de embalaje | 5 |