Rocky Patel
Rocky Patel Cigars
Rocky Patel Decade Emperor - 20 cigars
279,00 $The Rocky Patel Decade Emperor cigar is a full-bodied premium cigar with a soft box press with an Ecuadoran wrapper and binder and filler from Nicaragua. Decade cigars are handmade in Danli Honduras at the El Paraiso Cigar Factory. Más información -
Rocky Patel Decade Forty-Six - 20 cigars
199,00 $The Rocky Patel Decade Forty Six cigar is a full-bodied premium cigar with a soft box press with an Ecuadoran wrapper and binder and filler from Nicaragua. Decade cigars are handmade in Danli Honduras at the El Paraiso Cigar Factory. Más información -
Rocky Patel Decade Lonsdale - 20 cigars
199,00 $The Rocky Patel Decade Lonsdale cigar is a full-bodied premium cigar with a soft box press with an Ecuadoran wrapper and binder and filler from Nicaragua. Decade cigars are handmade in Danli Honduras at the El Paraiso Cigar Factory. Más información -
Rocky Patel Decade Robusto - 20 cigars
219,00 $The Rocky Patel Decade Robusto cigar is a full-bodied premium cigar with a soft box press with a dark and oily Ecuadoran wrapper and binder and filler from Nicaragua. Decade cigars are handmade in Danli Honduras at the El Paraiso Cigar Factory. Each box of Rocky Patel Decade cigars says "Against all odds" on the inside, refering to the 10 years during which the Rocky Patel cigar brand has been in business. The underside of each Decade box lid features black and white illustrations of Decade cigars being produced. Rocky Patel Cigars celebrated it's tenth year with a special cigar aptly branded the Rocky Patel Decade Cigar. Sure enough the cigar really is one to celebrate, having recieved a massive 95 rating by Cigar Aficionado, and similar huge ratings from other reviewers. Más información -
Rocky Patel Decade Toro - 20 cigars
239,00 $The Rocky Patel Decade Toro is a full-bodied premium cigar with a soft box press with an Ecuadoran wrapper and binder and filler from Nicaragua. Decade cigars are handmade in Danli Honduras at the El Paraiso Cigar Factory. Más información -
Rocky Patel Decade Torpedo - 20 cigars
249,00 $The Rocky Patel Decade is a full-bodied premium cigar with a soft box press with an Ecuadoran wrapper and binder and filler from Nicaragua. Decade cigars are handmade in Danli Honduras at the El Paraiso Cigar Factory. Más información -
Rocky Patel Edge Nicaragua Battalion - 20 cigars
Precio Habitual: 209,00 $
Special Price 199,00 $
The Rocky Patel Edge Nicaragua Battalion is a Full bodied Gordo, handmade in Nicaragua by Rocky Patel and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars. Más información -
Rocky Patel White Label Churchill - 20 cigars
419,00 $The Rocky Patel White Label Churchill is a Medium bodied Churchill, handmade by Rocky Patel in Nicaragua with a Connecticut wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars. Más información -
Rocky Patel White Label Robusto Plus Lighter Set - 20 cigars
459,00 $The Rocky Patel White Label Robusto is a Medium bodied Robusto, handmade by Rocky Patel in Nicaragua with a Connecticut wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars plus a lighter. Más información -
Rocky Patel White Label Sixty - 20 cigars
449,00 $The Rocky Patel White Label Sixty is a Medium bodied Gordo, handmade by Rocky Patel in Nicaragua with a Connecticut wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars. Más información -
Rocky Patel White Label Toro - 20 cigars
419,00 $The Rocky Patel White Label Toro is a Medium bodied Toro, handmade by Rocky Patel in Nicaragua with a Connecticut wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars. Más información -
Rocky Patel Burn Toro - 20 cigars
209,00 $Sin existencias
The Rocky Patel Burn Toro is a unique Limited release cigar to created to commemorate Rocky's new cigar lounge called Burn. Limited availability on these. This special Toro has a flawless wrapper, and is an all-Honduran puro, handcrafted with a fine blend that delivers huge flavor in a medium bodied premium cigar with earth and coffee notes along with a subtle spice. Más información -
Rocky Patel Edge Corojo Toro - 100 cigars
639,00 $Sin existencias
The Rocky Patel Edge Corojo Toro is a Full bodied Toro, handmade in Honduras by Rocky Patel and it comes in a Box of 100 cigars. Más información -
Rocky Patel Edicion Unica 2012, Toro - 100 cigars
969,00 $Sin existencias
This Limited Edition Honduran cigar is medium to full-bodied, rich and complex with an absolutely wonderful aroma. Notable flavors are coffee bean, sweet tobacco and an earthiness with an underlying spice. Más información -
Rocky Patel The Edge Maduro Toro - 100 cigars
599,00 $Sin existencias
The Rocky Patel Edge Maduro Toro is a Full bodied Toro, handmade in Honduras by Rocky Patel and it comes in a Box of 100 cigars. Más información