Alec Bradley American Robusto - 24 cigars [6" 1/8 x 52]
The Alec Bradley American Torpedo cigar is a mild-to-medium bodied Nicaraguan handmade cigar, crafted in the Plasencia Segovia factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. With Nicaraguan fillers and binders along with a Connecticut-seed Honduran wrapper, and all tobaccos patiently aged for years so as to achieve a perfect balance and smoothness of character.
This recent release from Alec Bradley cigars is a revival of a 100 year old Tampa cigar brand, that had been a highly popular brand back in the day, and is fast become so once again.
Box of 24 cigars
Length: 155 mm
Informations complémentaires
Marque | Alec Bradley |
Boîte de | 24 |
Longueur | 6 1/8 inches (155 mm) |
Calibre de bague | 52 |
Shape | Torpedo |
Force | Medium |
Code de boîte | 24 |