Non-Cuban Cigars
Cigar Terminal offers a wide range of international cigars from Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and more. Cigar Terminal offers guaranteed worldwide shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Padron Family Reserve 44 Years Naturel - 10 cigars
449,00 $USPadron in Nicaragua with a Nicaragua wrapper, a Nicaragua binder and a Nicaragua filler and it comes in a Box of 10 cigars. En savoir plus -
Perdomo 20th Anniversary Sun-Grown Torpedo - 24 cigars
239,00 $USThe Perdomo 20th Anniversary Torpedo cigar, also known as the T6554, is a semi box-pressed Nicaraguan puro presented in elegant Spanish cedar boxes. En savoir plus -
Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Champagne Torpedo - 25 cigars
289,00 $USThe Perdomo Champagne Torpedo cigars features an intricate blend of deeply aged Nicaraguan Cuban-seed tobaccos subtly accentuated with a golden Connecticut shade wrapper aged over 6 years. En savoir plus -
Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Champagne Torpedo - 5 cigars
79,00 $USThe Perdomo Champagne Torpedo cigars features an intricate blend of deeply aged Nicaraguan Cuban-seed tobaccos subtly accentuated with a golden Connecticut shade wrapper aged over 6 years. En savoir plus -
Rocky Patel Decade Torpedo - 20 cigars
249,00 $USThe Rocky Patel Decade is a full-bodied premium cigar with a soft box press with an Ecuadoran wrapper and binder and filler from Nicaragua. Decade cigars are handmade in Danli Honduras at the El Paraiso Cigar Factory. En savoir plus -
Rocky Patel Decade Torpedo - 5 cigars
89,00 $USThe Rocky Patel Decade is a full-bodied premium cigar with a soft box press with an Ecuadoran wrapper and binder and filler from Nicaragua. Decade cigars are handmade in Danli Honduras at the El Paraiso Cigar Factory. En savoir plus -
Rocky Patel The Edge Missile, Corojo - 25 cigars
169,00 $USThe Rocky Patel Edge Missile Corojo cigar is an unrivaled full-bodied experience which fills the acclimatized palate with spicy constituents accenting it's potent full flavor. En savoir plus -
Rocky Patel The Edge Missile, Corojo - 5 cigars
69,00 $USThe Rocky Patel Edge Missile Corojo cigar is an unrivaled full-bodied experience which fills the acclimatized palate with spicy constituents accenting it's potent full flavor. En savoir plus -
Rocky Patel The Edge Missile, Maduro - 25 cigars
169,00 $USThis unrivaled full-bodied experience fills the acclimatized palate with spicy constituents accenting it's potent full flavor. It will leave the seasoned smoker weak in the knees without a harsh finish. En savoir plus -
Rocky Patel The Edge Torpedo, Maduro - 5 cigars
79,00 $USThe Rocky Patel Edge Torpedo cigar is an unrivaled full-bodied experience which fills the acclimatized palate with spicy elements accenting it's potent full flavor. En savoir plus -
Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Torpedo - 20 cigars
259,00 $USThe Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Torpedo cigar with it's dark 12 year old wrapper and 5 year filler and binder delivers a mild to medium bodied smoke in a finely crafted box-pressed cigar. This vintage blend of rare aged tobacco has a perfect balance of flavor, complexity and richness. En savoir plus -
Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Torpedo - 5 cigars
79,00 $USThe Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Torpedo cigar with it's dark 12 year old wrapper and 5 year filler and binder delivers a mild to medium bodied smoke in a finely crafted box-pressed cigar. This vintage blend of rare aged tobacco has a perfect balance of flavor, complexity and richness. En savoir plus -
Rocky Patel Vintage 1992 Torpedo - 20 cigars
209,00 $USThe Rocky Patel Vintage 1992 Torpedo with it's 10 year old Ecuadorean wrapper is beautiful and oily delivering a full bodied spicy flavour. The combination of 7 year old Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers adds an element of complexity, richness and balance to this premium Honduran cigar. En savoir plus -
Rocky Patel Vintage 1992 Torpedo - 5 cigars
69,00 $USThe Rocky Patel Vintage 1992 Torpedo with it's 10 year old Ecuadorean wrapper is beautiful and oily delivering a full bodied spicy flavour. The combination of 7 year old Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers adds an element of complexity, richness and balance to this premium Honduran cigar. En savoir plus -
Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 Torpedo - 20 cigars
219,00 $USThe Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 Torpedo cigar is a wonderful blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan long fillers, all aged over 7 years, combined with a milt Connecticut leaf wrapper, then aged for 120 days. En savoir plus -
Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 Torpedo - 5 cigars
79,00 $USThe Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 Torpedo cigar is a wonderful blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan long fillers, all aged over 7 years, combined with a milt Connecticut leaf wrapper, then aged for 120 days. En savoir plus -
Rocky Patel Vintage 2003 Torpedo - 20 cigars
219,00 $USThe Rocky Patel Vintage 2003 Torpedo is one of the more recent releases by Rocky. A medium-bodied, full flavored cigar that's rich and complex. A perfectly aged Cameroon wrapper delivers flavors of sweet spice, cedar, and notes coffee with a nutty finish. En savoir plus -
Rocky Patel Vintage 2003 Torpedo - 5 cigars
79,00 $USThe Rocky Patel Vintage 2003 Torpedo is one of the more recent releases by Rocky. A medium-bodied, full flavored cigar that's rich and complex. A perfectly aged Cameroon wrapper delivers flavors of sweet spice, cedar, and notes coffee with a nutty finish. En savoir plus -
Arturo Fuente Chateau Fuente Cuban Belicoso - 24 cigars
259,00 $USÉpuisé
The Arturo Fuente Chateau Fuente Cuban Belicoso is a Medium bodied Torpedo, handmade by Carlos Fuente in Dominican Republic with a Sungrown wrapper, a Dominican binder and a Dominican filler and it comes in a Box of 24 cigars. En savoir plus -
Arturo Fuente Chateau Fuente King B - 18 cigars
209,00 $USÉpuisé
The Arturo Fuente Chateau Fuente King B is a Medium Torpedo, handmade in Dominican Republic by Arturo Fuente and it comes in a Box of 18 cigars. En savoir plus