Non-Cuban Cigars
Cigar Terminal offers a wide range of international cigars from Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and more. Cigar Terminal offers guaranteed worldwide shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Cohiba Puro Dominicana Churchill - 25 cigars
259,00 $USDeveloped through countless hours of blending and experimentation and hundreds of prototypes, the Cohiba Puro Dominicana Churchill cigar is blended to be the perfectly balanced cigar. This is Cohiba's true super-premium churchill cigar. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Red Dot Churchill - 25 cigars
529,00 $USThe super-premium Cohiba Red Dot Churchill is a deeply satisfying Dominican cigar, full and rich in flavor, yet not at all overpowering. A mild-to-medium premium cigar with toasy, wood flavor in a blend that sets the standard among premium Dominican cigars. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Red Dot Churchill - 5 cigars
129,00 $USThe super-premium Cohiba Red Dot Churchill is a deeply satisfying Dominican cigar, full and rich in flavor, yet not at all overpowering. A mild-to-medium premium cigar with toasy, wood flavor in a blend that sets the standard among premium Dominican cigars. En savoir plus -
Don Tomas Clasico Presidente Natural - 25 cigars
219,00 $USThe Don Tomas Clasico Presidente Natural is a Mild bodied Churchill, handmade by Estelo Padron in Honduras with a Honduran wrapper, a Honduran binder and a Nicaraguan & Honduran filler and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. En savoir plus -
Handmade Romeo y Julieta Seleccion Sampler - 9 cigars
109,00 $USAll handmade in the Dominican Republic, the fine cigars in our Romeo y Julieta cigar sampler are among the finest cigars we stock. En savoir plus -
Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Churchill - 25 cigars
209,00 $USThe Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Churchill is a Medium-Full bodied Churchill, handmade in Nicaragua by Drew Estate and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. En savoir plus -
La Aroma de Cuba Churchill - 25 cigars
219,00 $USThe La Aroma de Cuba Churchill is a Medium bodied Churchill, handmade by José "Pepin" Garcia in Nicaragua with a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. En savoir plus -
Macanudo Cafe Prince of Wales - 25 cigars
279,00 $USMacanudo Prince of Wales cigars are hand made in the Dominican Republic with aged Connecticut Shade wrappers, Mexican filler and a binder of Dominican Jamaican & Mexican tobaccos aged three years minimum. En savoir plus -
Macanudo Maduro Prince Philip - 10 cigars
129,00 $USThe Macanudo Maduro cigar is dressed in a deep dark silky maduro wrapper. Inside is a superbly constructed cigar making for a perfect draw, smooth but not too loose. En savoir plus -
Oliva Connecticut Reserve Churchill - 20 cigars
189,00 $USThe Oliva Connecticut Reserve Churchill is a Mild-Medium bodied Churchill, handmade by Oliva in Nicaragua with a Ecuador Connecticut Shade wrapper, a Nicaragua binder and a Nicaragua filler and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars. En savoir plus -
Oliva Serie G Churchill - 25 cigars
169,00 $USThe Oliva Serie G Churchill is a Medium bodied Churchill, handmade by Oliva in Nicaragua with a Cameroon wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder and a Nicaraguan filler and it comes in a Box of 25 cigars. En savoir plus -
Oliva Serie O Churchill Habano Puro - 20 cigars
179,00 $USThe Oliva Serie O Churchill Habano Puro is a Medium-Full bodied Churchill, handmade by Oliva in Nicaragua with a Habano Puro wrapper, a Nicaragua binder and a Nicaragua filler and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars. En savoir plus -
Oliva Serie O Churchill Maduro - 20 cigars
169,00 $USThe Oliva Serie O Churchill Maduro is a Medium-Full bodied Churchill, handmade by Oliva in Nicaragua with a Colorado Maduro wrapper, a Nicaragua binder and a Nicaragua filler and it comes in a Box of 20 cigars. En savoir plus -
Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra - 24 cigars
219,00 $USThe Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra is a Medium-Full bodied Churchill, handmade by Oliva in Nicaragua with a Sungrown Colorado Maduro wrapper, a Nicaragua binder and a Nicaragua filler and it comes in a Box of 24 cigars. En savoir plus -
Oliva Serie V Melanio Churchill - 10 cigars
159,00 $USThe Oliva Serie V Melanio Churchill is a Full bodied Churchill, handmade by Oliva in Nicaragua with a Ecuadorian Sumatra-Seed wrapper, a Nicaragua binder and a Jalapa Nicaragua filler and it comes in a Box of 10 cigars. En savoir plus -
Perdomo 20th Anniversary Sun-Grown Churchill - 24 cigars
239,00 $USThe Perdomo 20th Anniversary Churchill Sun-Grown cigar is a hefty Nicaraguan churchill packaged in an attractive Spanish cedar box. This is a slightly box pressed premium cigar that is at the top of the Perdomo range. En savoir plus -
Perdomo Fresco Maduro Churchill - 25 cigars
119,00 $USPerdomo Fresco Churchill cigars are our most popular Nicaraguan bundled cigars. A medium-bodied smoke packaged in cigar bundles of 25 cigars. En savoir plus -
Perdomo Lot 23 Churchill - 24 cigars
189,00 $USPerdomo Lot 23 Belicoso cigars are aged for almost 5 years. Perdomo Lot 23 cigars are named after one of Tabacalera Perdomo's prestigious farms located near its cigar factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. Medium bodied cigars, flavorful with a wonderful draw. En savoir plus -
Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Champagne Churchill - 25 cigars
289,00 $USThe Perdomo Reserve Champagne Churchill cigar features an intricate blend of deeply aged Nicaraguan Cuban-seed tobaccos subtly accentuated with a golden Connecticut shade wrapper aged over 6 years. En savoir plus -
Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Churchill - 20 cigars
209,00 $USThe Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Churchill cigar with it's 12 year old wrapper and 5 year filler and binder delivers a mild to medium bodied smoke. This vintage blend of rare aged tobacco has a perfect balance of flavor, complexity and richness. En savoir plus