Cohiba Red Dot

Cohiba Red Dot

Dominican Cohiba Red Dot Cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic. With their dark, rich Cameroon cigar wrapper leaf, Cohibas are full-bodied premium cigars, yet smooth and easy smoking. A rich blend of the best tobaccos create a complex array of flavors. Cohiba's supple and flavorful Jember binder balances the richness of the Cohiba cigar wrapper, while the smooth-smoking Dominican Piloto Cubano filler leaves round out the blend to perfection.
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  1. Cohiba Red Dot Corona Minor - 25 cigars

    Cohiba Red Dot Corona Minor - 25 cigars

    219,00 $US


    The Cohiba Red Dot Corona Minor is a smooth, complex flavored Dominican cigar with plenty of body and character. Pleasant aromas and cool finish make this one of the most enjoyable handmade cigars on the market. En savoir plus
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