Cuban Cigars
We offer a wide selection of Cuban cigars from Habanos including Cohiba, Montecristo, Partagas, Romeo y Julieta, Bolivar, H.Upmann, Hoyo De Monterrey, El Rey del Mundo and many more global, niche and regional Habanos brands. Cigar Terminal offers guaranteed worldwide shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Cohiba Siglo II SLB - 25 cigars
949,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Siglo II is a classic Cuban smoke, a medium bodied Mareva, with 42 ring gauge, 5.1” (129mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Very well constructed cigar, it reflects Cohiba’s attention to detail and strive for perfection. The cigar smokes slowly and packs the typical Cohiba flavors in a shorter vitola. Lots of honey, leather and delicious cocoa and vanilla flavors. An amazing short Cohiba. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Siglo II Tubos - 15 cigars (packs of 3)
749,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Siglo II is an amazing medium bodied Mareva, with 42 ring gauge, 5.1” (129mm) long and comes in aluminum tubes in a box of 15 cigars. Very well constructed cigar, it reflects Cohiba’s attention to detail and strive for perfection. The cigar smokes slowly and packs the typical Cohiba flavors in a shorter vitola. Lots of honey, leather and delicious cocoa and vanilla flavors. A great short Cohiba. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Siglo III - 25 cigars (packs of 5)
1 499,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Siglo III is a beautiful and rich cigar, of Corona Grande format, with 42 ring gauge, 6.1” (155mm) long and comes in 5 packs of 5 cigars. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Siglo III SLB - 25 cigars
1 549,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Siglo III is an elegant and complex, a medium bodied Corona Grande, with 42 ring gauge, 6.1” (155mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Siglo III Tubos - 15 cigars (packs of 3)
1 019,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Siglo III is a classy medium bodied Corona Grande, of 42 ring gauge, 6.1” (155mm) long and comes in aluminum tubes in a box of 15 cigars. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Siglo IV - 25 cigars (packs of 5)
1 849,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Siglo IV is simply the best Corona Gorda, a delicious medium cigar, of 46 ring gauge, 5.6” (143mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Cohiba is without a doubt the Cuban expert at rolling cigars, they can produce cigars of all shapes, and yet again they deliver an outstanding puro. This one competes directly to the Punch Gorda’s, and aficionados of this vitola would be surprised with the Siglo IV. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Siglo IV SLB - 25 cigars
1 849,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Siglo IV may be the best Corona Gorda out of Cuba, savory medium smoke, of 46 ring gauge, 5.6” (143mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Cohiba is without a doubt the Cuban expert at rolling cigars, they can produce cigars of all shapes, and yet again they deliver an outstanding puro. This one competes directly to the Punch Gorda’s, and aficionados of this vitola would be surprised with the Siglo IV. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Siglo IV Tubos - 15 cigars (packs of 3)
1 199,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Siglo IV is a Cuban legend, a medium Corona Gorda, of 46 ring gauge, 5.6” (143mm) long and comes in aluminum tubes in a box of 15 cigars. Cohiba is without a doubt the Cuban expert at rolling cigars, they can produce cigars of all shapes, and yet again they deliver an outstanding puro. This one competes directly to the Punch Gorda’s, and aficionados of this vitola would be surprised with the Siglo IV. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Siglo V - 25 cigars (packs of 5)
2 019,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Siglo V is an exquisite Cuban cigar, a Lonsdale of medium strength, of 43 ring gauge, 6.7” (170mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Rated #2 Cigar of the Year 2009 by Cigar Aficionado, it fully deserves this award as it is a perfectly rolled cigar, with a flawless draw and an amazing burn. Powerful flavors are developed by this vitola, which is unique in Cohiba’s lineup, there are lots of cedar, leather, earth, pepper, some sweetness and a constant creaminess. The price is not a deterrent for its many fans, who value this Habano as the best from the Siglo Linea. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Siglo V SLB - 25 cigars
2 019,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Siglo V is an amazing Habanos, a Lonsdale of medium strength, of 43 ring gauge, 6.7” (170mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Rated #2 Cigar of the Year 2009 by Cigar Aficionado, it fully deserves this award as it is a perfectly rolled cigar, with a flawless draw and an amazing burn. Powerful flavors are developed by this vitola, which is unique in Cohiba’s lineup, there are lots of cedar, leather, earth, pepper, some sweetness and a constant creaminess. The price is not a deterrent for its many fans, who value this Habano as the best from the Siglo Linea. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Siglo V Tubos - 15 cigars (packs of 3)
1 409,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Siglo V is an incredible medium strength Lonsdale, of 43 ring gauge, 6.7” (170mm) long and comes in aluminum tubes in a box of 15 cigars. Rated #2 Cigar of the Year 2009 by Cigar Aficionado, it fully deserves this award as it is a perfectly rolled cigar, with a flawless draw and an amazing burn. Powerful flavors are developed by this vitola, which is unique in Cohiba’s lineup, there are lots of cedar, leather, earth, pepper, some sweetness and a constant creaminess. The price is not a deterrent for its many fans, who value this Habano as the best from the Siglo Linea. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Siglo VI Gran Reserva - 15 cigars
2 999,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Siglo VI Gran Reserva is a refined medium-to-full bodied Canonazo, 5.9” (150mm) long, of 52 ring gauge, and comes in a cabinet of 15 cigars. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Siglo VI SLB - 10 cigars
999,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Siglo VI may be the best Cohiba, a medium to full Canonazo, of 52 ring gauge, 5.9” (155mm) long and comes in a box of 10 cigars. It is a beauty to behold; you would be hard-pressed to find a list of today’s top cigars that didn’t include the Cohiba Siglo VI. With its perfect construction, it is for many the best Cohiba, if not of above all the other Habanos. This thick Cuban toro (also known as a canonazo) was a 2002 release. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Siglo VI SLB - 25 cigars
2 499,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Siglo VI is perhaps the ultimate Cohiba, a medium to full Canonazo, of 52 ring gauge, 5.9” (155mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. It is a beauty to behold; you would be hard-pressed to find a list of today’s top cigars that didn’t include the Cohiba Siglo VI. With its perfect construction, it is for many the best Cohiba, if not of above all the other Habanos. This thick Cuban toro (also known as a canonazo) was a 2002 release. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Siglo VI Tubos - 15 cigars (packs of 3)
1 749,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Siglo VI an amazing medium to full Canonazo, of 52 ring gauge, 5.9” (155mm) long and comes in aluminum tubes in a box of 15 cigars. It is a beauty to behold; you would be hard-pressed to find a list of today’s top cigars that didn’t include the Cohiba Siglo VI. With its perfect construction, it is for many the best Cohiba, if not of above all the other Habanos. This thick Cuban toro (also known as a canonazo) was a 2002 release. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Talisman Limited Edition 2017 - 10 cigars
2 999,00 $USÉpuisé
The Cohiba Talisman LE 2017 is an incredible and rare Habano, Robusto Extra, with 54 ring gauge, 6” (154mm) long and comes in a box of 10 cigars. A great cigar to get at a young age; expect it to become a collector's piece in years to come. En savoir plus -
Diplomaticos No.2 - 25 cigars
609,00 $USÉpuisé
The Diplomaticos No.2 is a Cuban superstar, a powerful and complex Pyramid, 6.1” (156mm) long, of 52 ring gauge, and comes in a 25 cigars box. This Habano is truly a mature cigar that is not just a milder Montecristo, it has its own character. A 1996 release. En savoir plus -
Diplomaticos Reserva Exclusiva 2020 Caribbean Regional Edition - 25 cigars
1 299,00 $USÉpuisé
The Diplomaticos Reserva Exclusiva is a Medium Full, 5.9” (150mm) by 50 Geniales and comes in boxes of 25 cigars. It a 2020 exclusive release for the Caribbean region, which is only the third Regional Edition for the Caribbean region after the La Gloria Cubana Paraiso in 2014 and Juan Lopez Short Torpedos in 2008. Only 2,400 boxes have been made in Cuba and each box is numbered. The cigars are handmade with long filler with selected leaves from Vuelta Abajo plantations, -considered the best tobacco zone in the world- in the region of Pinar del Rio, Cuba. En savoir plus -
H.Upmann Connoisseur A LCDH - 25 cigars
699,00 $USÉpuisé
The H.Upmann Connoisseur A is a medium Genios, a La Casa Del Habano exclusivity, 5.5” (140mm) long, of 52 ring gauge, and comes in a 25 cigars box. En savoir plus -
H.Upmann Connoisseur B LCDH - 25 cigars
779,00 $USÉpuisé
The H.Upmann Connoisseur B is a La Casa Del Habanos exclusive cigar, a massive mild-medium, 54 ring gauge, 5.9” (150mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. En savoir plus