Cuban Cigars
We offer a wide selection of Cuban cigars from Habanos including Cohiba, Montecristo, Partagas, Romeo y Julieta, Bolivar, H.Upmann, Hoyo De Monterrey, El Rey del Mundo and many more global, niche and regional Habanos brands. Cigar Terminal offers guaranteed worldwide shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Cohiba Esplendidos - 25 cigars
2 699,00 $USThe Cohiba Esplendido is one of Cohiba’s flagships, a rich and creamy Churchill, of 47 ring gauge, 7" (178mm) long and comes in a box of 25 cigars. Originally launched in 1989, it became so popular in the beginning of the 2000’s to the point that it was over produced which caused a decline of quality. This issue has been resolved since, and the Esplendido has recovered its position at the top of Cuban cigars and even in the world, as it was voted among the Top 25 Cigars of 2014 by Cigar Aficionado. In short, the Esplendido is one of the most delightful cigars, which doesn't have any flaws. It is a bold smoke, yet with lots of creamy flavors. A top notch cigar. En savoir plus -
Cohiba Esplendidos - 15 cigars (packs of 3)
1 619,00 $USThe Cohiba Esplendido is one of Cohiba’s jewel, a powerful yet smooth Churchill, of 47 ring gauge, 7" (178mm) long and comes in a box of 15 cigars. Originally launched in 1989, it became so popular in the beginning of the 2000’s to the point that it was over produced which caused a decline of quality. This issue has been resolved since, and the Esplendido has recovered its position at the top of Cuban cigars and even in the world, as it was voted among the Top 25 Cigars of 2014 by Cigar Aficionado. In short, the Esplendido is one of the most delightful cigars, which doesn't have any flaws. It is a bold smoke, yet with lots of creamy flavors. A top notch cigar. En savoir plus -
H.Upmann Sir Winston - 25 cigars
999,00 $USÉpuisé
The H.Upmann Sir Winston, is an impressive, bold and complex Julieta No.2 6.9” (178mm) long, of 47 ring gauge, and comes in a 25 cigars box. It may be one of the biggest Habanos out there, and one of the most attractive. The Sir Winston is a rather strong cigar, hovering between medium and full body range towards the end of the smoke, it is also very tasty and complex. Its perfect construction gives you the leisure to focus on the typical Cuban flavors, cream, wood, black coffee, spices and roasted aromas among other. A perfect cigar for a reunion or a great meal. A must-try for any Habanos aficionado. En savoir plus